Village Dental

Dental Implants

Dental Implant Options

Dental Implant Crowns

This is the most common implant treatment as it replaces the gap left by a single tooth in either the front or back of your mouth. A single implant is placed in your jaw and once healed a crown is placed on top to fill the gap.

Dental Implant Bridges

Dental bridges are used to replace multiple teeth. Implant bridges typically utilise 2 or more implants in order to replace sections of missing teeth. The implants act like pillars to which a bridge can be attached, “bridging” the gap in your smile.

Implant-supported Dentures

Sometimes known as All-on-Four treatments when four to six implants are placed and support an entire arch of missing teeth. Full-mouth Implant dentures are a great alternative to removable dentures in that they function and look like natural and healthy teeth, but don’t need to be removed at night or for cleaning.

Dental Implants: In 3 Steps


Examination, 3-D imaging, and planning


Implant placement followed by healing


Final crown and abutment restoration